Ooopppssss The Three Kings. It's Me Jun (a.k.a Ki' Mo' Sa' Bi) Pierre (a.k.a. King Nothing) and Joel )a.k.a. King Kong. Taken at Jollibee at Vallejo, CA
And this Hazel.I haven't seen her for eleven years now but hey she finally call me the other night! Huh!
This is Caesy. Yup! I know your beautiful! By the way, she's from Canada!
My dear friends', this is Belle. By the way, she's from Canada too.
Here's Ella and her sister Joy!Ella is the type of person that guys' would love to meet. Why? She's so nice. About Joy naman....hhmmmm. Joy is the "cowgirl" in our group. She's so cool!